Quote Me

"I want to witness love, I've never seen it close." -Drake

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wisconsin Dells (My Wisconsin Hell) Pt. 1

So I was recently talked into taking a trip to Wisconsin Dells (a resort town) with my father and his family, including my strange yet adorable 3 year old brother, my father's emotionally unstable baby's mother, and her annoyingly talkative son. All of these things make me very irritable and prone to random acts of violence. Not to mention that I am forced to attend water parks and theme parks with all of the extremely annoying park goers. So here is the four part tale of my journey. Here we go.
Day Number One:
I wake up to the sound of a toy truck continuously sounding off. I can't understand why so I take a look around to see who the hell is pressing the button. Come to find out its motion activated and you can't turn it off. I get up and get dressed and then we begin to pack the car. All the shit that they are trying to bring won't fit! We spend an hour attempting to get it all in there. After this we set off on our journey and after a 3 hour ride of hearing TJ (The baby mama's son) nag and repeat his nothings over and over again, we make it there. When we get there we go to the water park to eat. Why I don't know because the food is over priced and disgusting. Then we start to walk around. We do not have on swimwear, so we go to the theme park side of things. This little white girl decides to ruin my entire day by not only skipping, but also shoving passed my entire family in line for bumper cars. AND she does this while her hillbilly mama stands on the side encouraging her. At that moment, I almost lost it. Then I go to ride the kiddie coaster with TJ, although I'd rather not. This hispanic family decides to let all 50 of their children skip us in line. By this time, I was already ready to go home. Then I look down to see my father and his baby mama arguing over absolutely nothing. She's crazy. After we get off the ride TJ tells me we are riding it again even though the line is long as hell. He has told me this about every previous ride so I'm officially fed up and I snap telling him I refuse. It starts to rain and we decide we're going to go back to the hotel, sadly we remember we WALKED! I was sooo upset. Not only that, but I had to listen to TJ repeat how he never got to swim and ask me a million questions he already knows the answer to. GET ME OUT HERE!
---Girl in Dells Hell


  1. So i love the Dells!!! I my age group at camp has gone twice but each time it RAINS LIKE ALLLL GET OUT! But im Lol'ing at the hispanic lady's 50 kids lmao
