Quote Me

"I want to witness love, I've never seen it close." -Drake

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why I Love My Friends

So I decided to blog about why I love each one of my friends though they may never see this. Some will, some won't because they aren't cool && they don't blog. Haha. Jk. =]

  • Kristin :: I love Kristin because she is incredibly funny && together we both end up in stitches. I love her catchphrases like, "It just got real critical" && "You better werk". I love how we always end up sharing awkward moments with each other like the time when I told Mike I liked his shoes && neither one of us could hold in the laughter because we both knew I was lying. I'm in stitches typing this right now. I love how she always has to save everyone. No one girl is left behind! I love how strong she is. I wish I had a quarter of the strength Kristin has. (&& I don't mean physically) I love how boy crazy she is && how crazy she is period. I love how we never run out of things to talk about. I could go on forever. =]
  • Tavan :: I love this crazy bitch for so many reasons, starting with the way he talks. Its like he is speaking another language && yet I understand every word. He has a more interesting way of saying everything. I love how he always reminds me of somebody's Grandma. I love when he impersonates Diana Ross on accident. I love when we're Ms. High Boots together. I love that we basically share the same heart && mind. I love how emotional he is, and he is not afraid to show them. He's like the sister I never had. Muah.
  • Riane :: I love Riane because she is tall && she embraces that. I wish I could be more like her as far as confidence goes. I love the way she cares about everyone and hesitates to say anything negative. I love how she hits them with that flex right before she hits her dougie. I love that she never judges, but rather uses a "to each his own" attitude. I love how much she looks out for her friends, && if one of us ever needed something she would be sure to do whatever she could to help. I love how beautiful she is inside && out. Love ya.
  • Alaina :: So I love Laine because she has a cool nickname. I love how her name can be inserted into any song && when I sing songs I sometimes accidentally insert her name. Lol. I love easy she is to talk to. I love her brain, and I wish that I could think as critically && analytically as she does. I love how laid back she is. She has such an easy going spirit. I love how driven she is. I cannot foresee anything stopping her from getting what she wants in life. =]
  • Courtney :: I love Courtney's honesty. I love how she says how she feels when she decides she feels that way. I love her cleverness. She is extremely witty. I love how we can talk for hours and laugh and joke without feeling like we've been on the phone for more than 5 minutes. I love how adventurous she is, although at times I wish she wasn't because she raises my blood pressure! =)
  • Kandace :: I love Kandace's voice! I love her funny remarks and views on pop culture. I love how Kandace knows how to turn my frown upside down. I love how protective she is over people who she truly cares about. I love how she wears dresses and how much she hates pants. I love how her mind works. I know that sounds weird but I wish I could get in there and she it functioning. I love how there's never a dull moment between us. Xoxo.
  • Valen :: I love Valen's creativity. I love her fashion sense. I love how she views the world. I love hoe she's never afraid to tell when someone's tore up from the floor up. I love her HAIR! I love how she cool she is. Like she is truly cool, not in the sense of how people usually believe they're cool. She's like REALLY cool. I just love her! =]
  • Asha :: I love Asha because she is incredibly talented. I love her because she doesn't boast about her talents though I wish that she would. I love Asha because her blog always amuses me which is what she created it for. I love her because she is from PHILLY! I love her because she is honest and real. I love her because she is an activist. I just love me some ASHA!
  • Asha'Re :: I love Re Re because she is my absolute best friend. I can't even put into word what we have been through, but believe me it's a lot. I love her because she loves me unconditionally. I love her because we can be honest with each other && never judge. I love her because we share a love of music. I love her because we are like the same person on the inside despite our oppositeness on the outside. I love her because we share so many memories like taping videos from 106th && trying to learn the goodies video. I love her because I watched her grow up && I know exactly what she needs to feel loved. I love her more than a friend. She is definitely family now. 8 years of friendship && counting.
  • Noocie :: I love Noocie because she is my only cousin on my daddy side who I like. Haha. I love Noocie because we can vibe lyrically && feel the same emotions when we hear some lyrics that just rip our heart out. I love her because she is so unique && never cared to conform. I love her because she always speaks her mind. I love her because she always makes me laugh && she finds me funny as well. I love her laugh! I love how she defends me. I love how sensitive she is. I love when she talks to me because our conversations are always the best. I love my Nooce thang. =]
  • Brittany :: I love this girl because she is completely retarded. I love how we always fight && have disagreements but we just can't stay away from each other. I love her voice. I love how gifted she is. I love how funny she is. I love there is never a dull moment between us. I love all the memories we share. I love how she does perfect impersonations of people. I love how emotional she is. I love her eyes. I love how devoted and perseverant she is. I just love her.
I know this went a little long, but I love you guys. MUAH!

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