Quote Me

"I want to witness love, I've never seen it close." -Drake

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Can't Stand the Rain in July

"This is so refreshing that it means a little more to me, dedicating time when I really can't afford to be. I'll provide protection if you open up the door for me." -Drake
Okay, so my whole city is flooding and there looks like there is no end to this storm. I'm kind of scared. && on top of this real storm there is also a storm in my love life. I have trust issues and right now I somewhat feel like I'm justified in having these beliefs. But you know that you have to get cloudy days sometimes, it can't always be sunshine.
***This just in, there is another storm coming in after this one leaves. Smh. Please pray for us. && it's bigger than the one that is here now. Ugghhh.***
On another note, What the hell was Nicki Minaj doing in her video "Your Love". She was such a mess. I watched it premiere on 106th & Park live yesterday && the audience && the hosts were caught laughing after the video was done. Omg it was hilarity at it's best.

Yesterday, I also got hipped to the scandal that was caused by an 11 year old girl named Jessi Slaughter. I'm sure many of my fellow bloggers have heard of her. Well, she appeared on Good Morning America this morning && she made me want to slap the taste out of her mouth. This little girl has lost her mind, but when you see who her parents are you will see why she is how she is. Just take a look for yourself. Smh.

After she posted this and received tons of negative feedback, she and her parents uploaded this video.

The storm is heading our way so I gotta go now.


Girl in a Flood


  1. those videos were SO funny. "im gonna pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie"

    OH OK! lol

  2. Lmao. My favorite is Nicki. It was so horrible that it was good. No one takes her serious. #packitup
