Quote Me

"I want to witness love, I've never seen it close." -Drake

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Hate You So Much Right Now!!!

SO life is stressing me out right now && me and my friends decided to make hate lists. This definitely made me feel a little better. My list goes a little something like this:

  1. Musty Rogers
  2. Drunk Lesbians
  3. DePaul's Blue Demon Basketball Team
  4. Guns
  5. Raza
  6. Facebook Relationships
  7. Sensitive Boys
  8. Weed Brownies
  9. Feet
  10. Lotion
  11. Not Being Greek @ Greek Parties
  12. Alcohol
  13. Hot Ass Corcoran
  14. Wet Ice Cream
  15. Eye Glasses
  16. The Color Orange
  17. Tummy Aches
  18. Asthma
  19. Periods/Cramps
  20. Nappy Hair
  21. Thongs/Wedgies
  22. Capris
  23. Sunny Delight
  24. Dressing in One Color
  25. Dirty Clothes
  26. Mixed Foods such as Stews/Soups/Chilli
  27. Flat Feet
  28. Rumors
  29. Losing && Breaking Earrings
  30. Spit
  31. Droughts of All Kinds
  32. Needing Weave
  33. Attempting to Write Sounds
  34. Coffee
  35. Spelling w/o Spell Check
  36. When people use the wrong word or say it wrong
  37. Being Seen
  38. Bugs
  39. Outdoors
  40. Nature
  41. Dogs I don't know
  42. Baby Slob/Spit Up
  43. Toxic Farts
  44. Stupid Big Girls
  45. Being Poked
  46. Being Touched High
  47. Bacon
  48. Large Amounts of Meat
  49. LG Lotus
  50. Scars
  51. The Beach
  52. Angry Teeth && Swamp Thing
  53. Mixed Boys
  54. Nad Creature
  55. Gas

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